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Why do freelancers leave?

By Wietse Boersma, Recruiter.

This post first appeared on LinkedIn on the 23rd of October 2020.

Hiring a freelance software developer can be a necessary risk. An increase in business requirements, new functionality to application, absenteeism; all reasons for a project to involve interim staffing. However: with swift freelance developer deployment comes the risk of premature termination of contract. Many project managers will acknowledge the discomfort and uncertainty of the impending departure of a team member -- and with it, time and money spent.

Let’s zoom in on some of the reasons why freelancers sometimes choose to terminate a contract early. It might help you, and your team, anticipate and/or prevent the untimely dropout of a freelance team member.

Leadership and/or team indifference

The earlier blog on maximising freelancer performance, discussed freelance developer engagement thru involvement by team and management. One of the big reasons for freelancers to start feeling apathetic is lack of involvement -- and not being seen as equal team members. A more tightly-knit team elsewhere, that treats freelancers as ‘their own’ ergo takes them more seriously, may be decisively appealing to a freelance developer.


You can’t be a professional software engineer if you don’t truly have a passion for and care deeply about technology. If a project’s technical challenge diminishes (or was never there to start with), the freelancer’s loyalty will have an expiration date.

Faulty management of expectations

On the same note, faulty management of expectations, prior to the start of the freelancer on the project, by management or recruiter, can lead to the freelancer’s enthusiasm fading away fast. For example: a freelance engineer might be ‘sold’ c.q. promised the opportunity to work with a particular framework. If that day does not come, then that freelancer will feel disillusioned and draw his or her conclusions.


Finally, a big threat to the freelancer staying in your project team is the allure of a bigger payday elsewhere. Underpaying freelancers (this COVID-19-situation being a good example) comes with the implication that higher rates elsewhere will always be a carrot on a stick.

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